
Register a user

  • URL


  • Method:


  • URL Params

No Params

  • Data Params
  "email" : "// the registered email address of the user, type: string, required",
  "name" : "// the registered email address of the user, type: string, required",
  "phone_no" : "// the registered email address of the user, type: string, required",
  "password" : "// the corresponding password of the user, type: string, required"
  • Success Response:
  "default_description":"Login Successfull",
  "data": {
    "token": "//session token, type: string",
    "subscribed_services": ["//a list of services subscribed by the user, type: string"
          "service_id" : "//an id in the system for this service, type: string",
          "title": "//A title of the service, type: string",
          "short_updates": "//a short description with lastest update, type: string"
    "recent_tasks": ["//a list of recents tasks"
          "title": "//title of the task, type: string",
          "link": "//a link for the task, type: string"
  • Error Response:

    HTTP Status Code: 200

    Response Object:

    "status": "//user_not_found when user not found, use this to show custom message1, type: string",
    "description": "short description, type string"
  • Sample Call:
url: "/login",
dataType: "json",
type : "POST",
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify({
 "email": "mhsn06@gmail.com",
 "password": "1234"
success : function(r) {