========== Education Public Pages Database ========== collection name : public_pages Attribute Names and description -------------------------------- _id :Description: this is id of the page :Data Type: string :Example: page_title :Description: title of the page :Data Type: string :Example: type_of_institute :Description: type of institute possible values school/college/university/institute/coaching etc :Data Type: string :Example: creator :Description: the id of the user(system admin/public user) who created the page :Data Type: string :Example: varification_status :Description: is the verified :Data Type: string :Example: founding_date :Description: founded year :Data Type: string :Example: address_district :Description: address districts :Data Type: string :Example: address_upozila :Description: address upozilla :Data Type: string :Example: no_of_stakeholder :Description: total number of people involve now :Data Type: string :Example: description :Description: description of the institute :Data Type: string :Example: designations :Description: the online services offered by an institute for various stakeholder categorized by designation such as guardian/Stuff/Teacher/Alumnai etc :Data Type: array of json designation object mention below :Example: designation object attribute name and description =================================================== _id :Description: an id for the designation :Data Type: string :Example: title :Description: title of the designation such as parent or Teacher/ stuff etc :Data Type: string :Example: tags :Description: further categorize tasks logically :Data Type: array of tag objects :Example: tag objects attribut names and description ------------------------------------------ _id :Description: an id for the tag :Data Type: string :Example: title :Description: title for the tag i. e. Class Mangagement/Stuff Management/Child Education Management etc. :Data Type: string :Example: tasks :Description: a list of task object under this tag/category :Data Type: a list of task object :Example: task object attribute names and description ------------------------------------------- _id :Description: an id for the task :Data Type: string :Example: title :Description: title for the task i. e. Take attendance/Add New Stuff/Check Child Progress :Data Type: string :Example: