========== /services ========== Get Available Services or Subscribe Services * **URL** /services * **Method:** `GET` | `POST` * **URL Params** No Params * **Data Params** .. code-block:: JSON { "id" : "// the registered email address of the user, type: string, required", "title" : "// the corresponding password of the user, type: string, required", "description" : "// the corresponding password of the user, type: string, required" } * **Success Response:** **HTTP Status Code: 200** **Response Object:** .. code-block:: JSON { "status_code":"page_creation_successfull", "default_description":"successfully created page", "data": { "token": "//session token, type: string", "subscribed_services": ["//a list of services subscribed by the user, type: string" { "service_id" : "//an id in the system for this service, type: string", "title": "//A title of the service, type: string", "short_updates": "//a short description with lastest update, type: string" } ], "recent_tasks": ["//a list of recents tasks" { "title": "//title of the task, type: string", "link": "//a link for the task, type: string" } ] } } * **Error Response:** **HTTP Status Code: 200** **Response Object:** .. code-block:: JSON { "status": "registration_failed //user_not_found when user not found, use this to show custom message1, type: string", "description": "already exist, type string" } * **Sample Call:** * **Notes:** Required authentication