========== /service_request ========== The tasks in any services is processed by this endpoint. **!!!!!!! Authentication Required** * **URL** /service_request * **Method:** `POST` * **URL Params** no ulr params * **Data Params** .. code-block:: JSON { "service_name": "education //it should be always education", "task": { "task_id": "//One of the id from the Task Index list at the bottom or left of this page.", "data": { "...":"//The data params for the above task. For data params of a specific tasks click the appropriate task name below in task index" } } } * **Success Responses:** **HTTP Status Code: 200** **Response Object:** .. code-block:: JSON { "...":"//click the appropriate task name for the response params" } * **Error Responses:** **HTTP Status Code: 200** **Response Object:** .. code-block:: JSON { "TODO": "" } * **Sample Call:** .. code-block:: javascript $.ajax({ url: "/service_request", dataType: "json", type : "POST", contentType: 'application/json', beforeSend: function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader ("Authorization", "Token " + ""); }, data: JSON.stringify({ "service_name": "education", "task": { "task_id": "tasks", "data": {} } }), success : function(r) { console.log(r); } }); .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Tasks Index: ../edu_service/edu_service_tasks